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LAtest NEws

[NOVASTARVN] A new setup for Liner Shipping Alliances

The year 2025 will see the ocean carrier world move from a setup of three [...]

[NOVASTARVN] Trải nghiệm và bài học quý giá từ buổi training kỹ năng Logistics tại Novastar

Ngày 30/11 vừa qua, Công ty Novastar đã tổ chức thành công buổi training kỹ [...]

Expert in OOG Shipments to Multiple Destinations

Novastar Logistics Company specializes in handling Out of Gauge (OOG) shipments, ensuring seamless transport of [...]

Cautious Marble Block Shipment: Overcome Carrier Rejections with Our Solutions – Please Check

Transporting marble blocks requires meticulous care due to their weight and fragility. Some carriers reject [...]

Safely Transporting Lifeboats from Hai Phong, Vietnam to Cochin, India

  Novastar Trading & Service: Novastar Trading & Service is proud to be a reputable [...]

[NOVASTARVN] Asia – Europe trade

The Asia – Europe fleet grew 18% year-on-year MSC took over from Maersk as market [...]


NovaStarVN [...]